Saturday, June 8, 2013

Teacher Blogs for Summer Reading

Recently, someone suggested during a Twitter chat that we should be spending time reading teacher blogs over the summer, instead of just focusing on books.  I agreed, and I thought it might help if we started talking about blogs we like.  So, here's a list of some blogs that I've either read or discovered and would like to read more often.

Here are some lists and awards for teacher blogs:

Edublog Awards -

Scholastic's Top 20 Teacher Blogs -

We Are Teachers Blog Awards -

Edudemic - 50 Best Teacher Blogs - - 10 Great Teacher Blogs -

Bachelor of Education dot org - Top 30 Teacher Blogs -

Teacher Certification Degrees Dot Com - Top 50 Elementary Teacher Blogs -

Here are some links to individual blogs.  This is a big mix of "famous" faces, and not-so-famous faces, but I think that all of these are worth a read:

Edweek - Teacher Blogs -

Edutopia - Blogs -

Larry Ferlazzo's Blog -

Angela Maier's Blog -

Nicholas Provenzano's Blog -

George Couros's Blog -

Will Richardon's Blog -

Nerdy Book Club -

Donalyn Miller's Blog -

Chris Lehman's Blog -

Sir Ken Robinson's Blog -

Gary Stager's Blog -

Shannon Miller's blog -

Troy Hicks's blog -

Sara Mulhern Gross's Blog -

John Schu's blog -

Colby Sharp's blog -

Judy Arzt's blog -

Paul Oh's blog -

Tom Whitby's blog -

Maria Selke's blog -

Maureen Devlin's blog -

Bernice Homel's blog -

Franki Sibberson's blog -

Teach Mentor Texts blog -

Mindi Rench's Blog -

Wesley Fryer's blog -

I'd love to hear more recommendations.  I can't pretend that I read all of these blogs regularly - many of these I discovered for the first time today.  But I'm hoping to spend some time this summer reading as many of these as I can, and looking for more.

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